
GoneLocal.com is committed to marketing your business to the local area.

Gonelocal.com is an indexed online directory receiving over 65,000 unique visits a month and purposely designed to be attractive to Google. Now it possible for consumers to find your business even though they don’t know your business name. Imagine the attention your business will receive when your prospective customer finds your business on the first page of a Google or Yahoo search result. This is especially important, since 87% of the people searching on Google and Yahoo don't go past page 2.

All Gonelocal clients have a password to their web page so they can update their business info immediately. This includes adding photos, coupons/specials, sales event info, and much more.

The account creation and activation fee is $150 which includes adding photos, company information and metatags. The monthly hosting fee $87 per month (billed monthly thru authorize.net or $83 per month with a 6 month commitment ($498), or $79 per month for a year’s commitment ($948). These last 2 discounted plans require payment in advance.

Important Internet fact! 72% of all Internet searches start in Google, and 75% of all searches are for local products and services.